Wednesday, October 1, 2008

good morning...good morrrnning

we just woke up in chicago. its around 9. last night we stayed with a friend of jeb's in his beautiful apartment. he treated us like royalty...cooked as a phenominal dinner, gave us all the wine we could drink, and most importantly hung out with us all night and said things about his views on life and music that blew my mind because of how much i can relate.

thanks for everything kimo! you are far too legit to ever quit. we're about to take off in a bit and head for omaha, nebraska. it's an 8 hour drive. during the trip i plan on recording a couple of new beats i've been working on since we left mass. they both incorporate samples from either mh or jeb. they're coming out really nice. one of them is featured in the latest video we posted. i will be posting the tracks as instrumentals in the near future so people should check on our myspace from time to time if you want to check out what we're doing musically as we travel.

much love!



Last night it was so amazing to stay at Kimo's place... He's such a beautifull person and fabulous storyteller. He showed us some video of "Up the People" and we saw Jeb's father performing a rap song !!! (Soon we will post that on the blog.)
Today in the car Jeb's and me are going to reherse the famous rap song "Jebedhia is on fire" and make it even more hilarious. We are working hard (in the car) so we will be ready for a show in Denver... and keep Jeb awake. Johnny is making crazy beats, its so inspiring to see him that inspired all the time.
I cant beleive how generous people have been with us. Thank you.
Last night, driving to Chicago, I was sooooooo excited! The skyline and building here where amazing.
sorry my bad english
Faque vous voyez que mon anglais est pas mal racké. On dort pas assez et je crois que je vais avoir besoin de repos de retour à Montreal! C'est incroyable comme nos hôtes prennent soin de nous. Kimo est tellement sympatique et généreux. La beauté du voyage est dans les rencontres!
Chicago est malade, to bad faut qu'on parte déjà.
Je suis désolée, je sort du lit et je suis pas trop inspirée... ah la vie d'artiste.

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